
  • Martin Abrams

    Executive Director and Chief Strategist, the Information Accountability Foundation

    Martin Abrams has over 35 years of experience as an information and consumer policy innovator. Multi-stakeholder collaboration has been a key for Abrams in developing practical solutions to dilemmas in information policy. His most recent work has been on big data governance and privacy compliance driven by demonstrable data stewardship. For the past five years, he has led the Global Accountability Project, which has refined the accountability principle that is part of various data protection laws and guidance documents. Prior to his work at the foundation, Abrams was the co-founder and President of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams LLP, which he led for 13 years. Prior to that, he was Vice President of Information Policy at Experian and Director of Information Policy at TRW Information Systems, where he designed one of the earliest privacy impact assessment tools. He also chaired their Consumer Advisory Council.

  • Micah Altman

    Director of Research and Head/Scientist, Program on Information Science for the MIT Libraries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Dr. Altman conducts work primarily in the fields of social science, information privacy, information science and research methods, and statistical computation — focusing on the intersections of information, technology, privacy, and politics; and on the dissemination, preservation, reliability and governance of scientific knowledge. Prior to arriving at MIT, Dr. Altman served at Harvard University for fifteen years as the Associate Director of the Harvard-MIT Data Center, Archival Director of the Henry A. Murray Archive, and Senior Research Scientist in the Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences. Dr. Altman is also a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution.

  • Solon Barocas

    Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University

    Solon Barocas completed his doctorate in the department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University, where he remains an affiliate of the Information Law Institute. Dr. Barocas also works with the Data & Society Research Institute and serves on the National Science Foundation funded Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society. His research explores issues of fairness in machine learning, methods for bringing accountability to automated decisions, the privacy implications of inference, the role that privacy plays in mitigating economic inequality, and the ethics of research involving repurposed data and online experimentation.

  • Lucy Bernholz, Ph.D.

    Senior Research Scholar, Stanford University

    Lucy Bernholz is a Senior Researcher at Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society where she co-leads the Digital Civil Society Lab. She has been a Visiting Scholar at The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and a Fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center, with the Hybrid Reality Institute, and at the New America Foundation. She writes extensively on philanthropy, technology, information, and policy on her award winning blog, This work led The Huffington Post to hail her as a “game changer”. She is the author of numerous articles and books about the philanthropy, policy, and technology, including the Blueprint Series of Annual Industry Forecasts on Philanthropy and the Social Economy, the 2010 publication Disrupting Philanthropy, and her 2004 book Creating Philanthropic Capital Markets: The Deliberate Evolution.

  • Marjory Blumenthal

    Executive Director of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, White House

    Marjory Blumenthal is a connector of people and ideas, translating technical concepts into plain English and leading discussions and collaborations across different kinds of natural scientists, engineers, social scientists, policy analysts, and civil society. She manages PCAST’s analytical program, engaging its 20 distinguished scientists and engineers plus additional experts; speaks publicly about PCAST’s work; and fosters the implementation of PCAST recommendations. Marjory’s PCAST projects have addressed how systems engineering can improve the delivery of health care, the challenge of protecting privacy in the context of big data, new directions for cybersecurity, how information technology can improve education and training, and more—PCAST spans the landscape of science and technology. Previously she spent a decade as Associate Provost, Academic at Georgetown University, and was the founding Executive Director of the National Academies’ Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB).

  • Geoffrey C. Bowker

    Professor, School of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

    Geoffrey C. Bowker is Professor at the School of Information and Computer Science, University of California at Irvine, where he directs a laboratory for Values in the Design of Information Systems and Technology. Recent positions include Professor of and Senior Scholar in Cyberscholarship at the University of Pittsburgh iSchool and Executive Director, Center for Science, Technology and Society, Santa Clara. Together with Leigh Star he wrote Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences; his most recent book is Memory Practices in the Sciences

  • Jeff Brueggeman

    Vice President, Global Public Policy and Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, AT&T

    Jeff Brueggeman is responsible for developing and advocating AT&T’s global public policy positions on privacy, cybersecurity and human rights issues. He represents AT&T in a wide range of legislative, regulatory and policy development proceedings involving privacy and cybersecurity matters.  In addition, he leads AT&T’s engagement with various privacy and Internet policy organizations. Prior to assuming his current role, Mr. Brueggeman helped manage AT&T’s privacy policies and coordinate the implementation of data privacy and security programs across the company.  He has participated extensively in international Internet policy events and organizations, and served on the Internet Governance Forum’s Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group.

  • Ryan Calo

    Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Law

    Ryan Calo is an assistant professor at the University of Washington School of Law and an assistant professor (by courtesy) at the Information School. He is a faculty co-director (with Batya Friedman and Tadayoshi Kohno) of the University of Washington Tech Policy Lab, a unique, interdisciplinary research unit that spans the School of Law, Information School, and Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Professor Calo is an affiliate scholar at the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society (CIS), where he was a research fellow, and the Yale Law School Information Society Project (ISP). He serves on numerous advisory boards, including the University of California’s People and Robots Initiative, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), Without My Consent, and the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF).

  • Subhashini (Shubha) Chandrasekharan, Ph.D.

    AAAS Fellow Center for Global Solutions, Global Development Lab, USAID
    Assistant Research Professor, Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University

    Subhashini Chandrasekharan is global health researcher with a background in genetics and policy research encompassing, bioethics, law and the social sciences. Shubha received her PhD in genetics and molecular biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and completed postdoctoral training in genetics there. She next completed a fellowship on ethical, legal and social (ELS) issues of genomics at the Center for Public Genomics at Duke University. She is currently Assistant Research Professor at the Duke Global Health Institute and studies ELS and policy issues surrounding implementation of new prenatal genomic testing technologies in the US and in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). In addition, she has strong interests in science diplomacy and social entrepreneurship for health services capacity building in LMICs.
    She is currently an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the Center for Global Solutions in the Global Development Lab, USAID. She works on projects focused on improving and strengthening health information systems capacity in West Africa as well as ethical issues in the use of digital technologies and data for development.

  • Danielle Citron

    Lois K. Macht Research Professor & Professor of Law, University of Maryland
    Senior Fellow, Future of Privacy Forum

    Professor Danielle Citron is the Lois K. Macht Research Professor & Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Her work focuses on information privacy, cyber law, automated systems, and civil rights. In addition to 20 articles and essays in law reviews, Professor Citron is the author of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace published by Harvard University Press in 2014. Cosmopolitan and Harper’s Bazaar nominated her book as one of the top 20 “Best Moments for Women” in 2014. She frequently writes for The Atlantic, New York Times, Time, CNN, The Guardian, the New Scientist, and Slate. She is a regular contributor at and Concurring Opinion. Professor Citron is an Affiliate Fellow at the Yale Information Society Project and an Affiliate Scholar at the Stanford Center on Internet and Society. She serves as an advisor to California Attorney General Kamala Harris’s Task Force Against Cyber Exploitation and the American Law Institute’s Restatement Third, Information Privacy Principles Project. She is on the advisory boards of the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Future of Privacy Forum, Harvard Berkman Center’s Initiative on Youth-Oriented Hate Speech, Without My Consent, and Teach Privacy.

  • Chris Clifton

    Program Director, National Science Foundation
    Professor of Computer Science (by courtesy), Purdue University

    Dr. Clifton works on data privacy, particularly with respect to analysis of private data.  This includes privacy-preserving data mining, data de-identification and anonymization, and limits on identifying individuals from data mining models.  He also works more broadly in data mining, including data mining of text and data mining techniques applied to interoperation of heterogeneous information sources. Fundamental data mining challenges posed by these applications include extracting knowledge from noisy data, identifying knowledge in highly skewed data (few examples of “interesting” behavior), and limits on learning. He also works on database support for widely distributed and autonomously controlled information, particularly issues related to data privacy.

  • Stanley W. Crosley

    Co-Director, Center for Law, Ethics, and Applied Research in Health Information, Indiana University

    Stan Crosley chairs the Data Privacy and Health Information Governance team, a cross-disciplinary team of lawyers with health data privacy experience. Crosley is the former Chief Privacy Officer for Eli Lilly and Company, a position he held for 10 years, where he initiated Lilly’s global privacy program and negotiated the company’s compliance with FTC and State consent decrees, multiple European Data Protection Authority privacy inspections, and successful certification to the EU Safe Harbor program, gaining recognition for the program by receiving the 2007 Innovation Award from the International Association of Privacy Professionals. Crosley co-founded and served as chair of the International Pharmaceutical Privacy Consortium and was a member of the IOM Medical Research and Privacy Committee. He currently serves on the boards of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), the Indiana Health Information Technology, Inc., the International Data Privacy Law Journal, and The Privacy Projects.

  • Mary Culnan

    Professor Emeritus, Bentley University
    Senior Fellow, Future of Privacy Forum

    Mary Culnan is Professor Emeritus at Bentley University.  She is a Senior Fellow at the Future of Privacy Forum where she also currently serves as President of the Board of Directors.  Additionally, she serves as a member of the GAO’s Executive Committee on Information Management and Technology and the Data Privacy Day Advisory Committee. Mary has testified before Congress and other government agencies on a range of privacy issues.   Her current research interests include governance of privacy and security and improving online privacy notices.  Her work has been published in a range of academic journals and has been used by the FTC to make recommendations to Congress.

  • Michelle De Mooy

    Deputy Director, Consumer Privacy Project, Center for Democracy & Technology

    Michelle De Mooy’s work is focused on promoting strong consumer privacy rights through pro-privacy legislation and regulation, working with industry to build and implement good privacy practices, and analyzing emerging impact on data from new technology. Most recently, she has focused on personal health technology and related privacy concerns. De Mooy has been a panelist and featured speaker at many events related to digital privacy, including FTC workshops, the State of the Net, the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, and has testified before Congress on privacy and security issues. Her background is in advocacy for underserved populations, managing online media strategy for progressive causes, web product marketing, and software development.

  • Jana Diesner

    Assistant Professor, iSchool, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Jana Diesner earned her PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, in the Computation, Organizations and Society (COS) Program. Diesner conducts research at the nexus of network science, natural language processing and machine learning. Her research mission is to contribute to the computational analysis and better understanding of the interplay and co-evolution of information and the structure and functioning of socio-technical networks. She develops and investigates methods and technologies for extracting information about networks from text corpora and considering the content of information for network analysis. In her empirical work, she studies networks from the business, science and geopolitical domain. She is particularly interested in covert information and covert networks.

  • Jeremy Epstein

    Lead Program Officer for the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program, National Science Foundation

    Jeremy Epstein is lead program officer for the National Science Foundation’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program.  SaTC is NSF’s flagship cybersecurity research program, with about 700 active grants, 1000 researchers, and 2000 graduate students covering all aspects of cybersecurity & privacy.  Jeremy is on loan to NSF from SRI International, where his research interests include voting system security and software security.  He is associate editor in chief of IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, founder of Scholarships for Women Studying Information Security, and a member of the Election Assistance Commission’s Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) responsible for writing voting system standards.  He holds an MS from Purdue University in Computer Sciences, and is ABD from George Mason University.

  • Susan Etlinger

    Industry Analyst, Altimeter Group

    Susan Etlinger is an industry analyst with Altimeter Group, where she promotes the smart, well-considered and ethical use of data.  She conducts independent research on these topics and advises global executives on data and analytics strategy. Etlinger is on the board of The Big Boulder Initiative, an industry organization dedicated to promoting the successful and ethical use of data. She is a TED speaker, is regularly asked to speak on data strategy and best practices, and has been quoted in media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and BBC. Find Etlinger on Twitter at @setlinger, or on her blog at

  • Joshua Fairfield

    Professor, Washington and Lee University

    Joshua Fairfield is an internationally recognized law and technology scholar, specializing in digital property, electronic contract, big data privacy, and virtual communities. His article Privacy as a Public Good, in the Duke Law Journal, is the first comprehensive treatment of privacy as a good subject to problems of social production.  He is writing a book for Cambridge University Press, titled ESCAPE: Property, Privacy, and the Internet of Things. He has written on the law and regulation of e-commerce and online contracts and on the application of standard economic models to virtual environments. Professor Fairfield’s other research focuses on big data privacy models and the next generation of legal applications for cryptocurrencies. Professor Fairfield consults with U.S. government agencies, including the White House Office of Technology and the Homeland Security Privacy Office, on national security, privacy, and law enforcement within online communities and as well as on strategies for protecting children online.

  • Kelsey Finch

    Policy Counsel, Future of Privacy Forum

    Kelsey Finch’s projects at FPF include consumer wellness and wearables, big data, de-identification standards and privacy by design. Before coming to FPF, Kelsey was an inaugural Westin Fellow at the IAPP, where she produced practical research on a range of privacy topics and edited the FTC Privacy Casebook. She is a graduate of Smith College and the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, with a concentration in Intellectual Property & Information Law.

  • Simson L. Garfinkel

    Senior Advisor, National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Simson L. Garfinkel is a Senior Advisor at the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Information Access Division. Garfinkel’s research interests include digital forensics, usable security, data fusion, information policy and terrorism. He holds seven US patents for his computer-related research and has published dozens of research articles on security and digital forensics, including Database Nation, The Death Of Privacy in the 21st Century (O’Reilly, 2000).

  • Daniel L. Goroff

    Program Director, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

    Daniel Goroff is especially interested in economics, finance, mathematics, the scientific and technical work force, and education. He is also Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Economics at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, where he previously served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty. Goroff earned his B.A.-M.A. degree in mathematics summa cum laude at Harvard as a Borden Scholar, an M.Phil. in economics at Cambridge University as a Churchill Scholar, a Masters in mathematical finance at Boston University, and a Ph.D. in mathematics at Princeton University as a Danforth Fellow. His first faculty appointment was at Harvard University in 1983. During over two decades there, he rose to the rank of Professor of the Practice of Mathematics while also serving as Associate Director of the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning and as a Resident Tutor at Leverett House. Daniel Goroff has been an educational innovator throughout his teaching career. In pursuing his work on nonlinear systems, chaos, and decision theory, Goroff has held visiting positions at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques in Paris, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, and the Dibner Institute at MIT.

  • Joshua M. Greenberg

    Director of the Digital Information Technology Program, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

    Dr. Joshua M. Greenberg received his Bachelor of Arts in History of Science, Medicine and Technology from the Johns Hopkins University, and both Masters and Doctoral degrees from Cornell University’s Department of Science & Technology Studies. His dissertation work on the early history of the consumer videocassette recorder and the invention of the video rental industry was published as “From Betamax to Blockbuster” by the MIT Press (2008). Prior to joining the Foundation, Dr. Greenberg was the New York Public Library’s first Director of Digital Strategy and Scholarship, where he developed and led a digital strategy centered on building online visitors and deepening engagement through access to collections both on Library websites and third-party platforms and increased exposure to staff expertise via blogs and other social media. He is an active member of the broader digital library and digital humanities communities, and maintains active research and teaching interests in the history and sociology of information technology, the dynamics of public engagement with expert knowledge, and the methodological implications of new digital technologies for research.

  • Dennis D. Hirsch

    Geraldine W. Howell Professor of Law, Capital University Law School

    Dennis D. Hirsch is the Geraldine W. Howell Professor of Law at Capital University Law School where he teaches information privacy law, environmental law and administrative law.  In 2010 he served as a Fulbright Senior Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Institute for Information Law (IViR), where he conducted research on Dutch data protection regulation and taught a course on Comparative Information Privacy Law. He is a faculty organizer of the University of Amsterdam’s Summer Course on Privacy Law and Policy and teaches in that program each July. Professor Hirsch is the author of numerous articles and a prize-winning textbook and has lectured nationally and internationally at universities, law schools, bar associations and conferences. His current research focuses on governance theory, privacy law and policy, and big data’s social and legal implications.

  • David A. Hoffman

    Director of Security Associate General Counsel and Global Privacy Officer, Intel Corporation
    David A. Hoffman is Director of Security Associate General Counsel and Global Privacy Officer at Intel Corporation, in which capacity he heads the organization that oversees Intel’s privacy compliance activities, legal support for privacy and security, and all external privacy/security engagements.  Mr. Hoffman joined Intel in 1998 as Intel’s eBusiness attorney to manage the team providing legal support for Intel’s Chief Information Officer.  In 2005, Mr. Hoffman moved to Munich, Germany, as Group Counsel in the Intel European Legal Department, while leading Intel’s Worldwide Privacy and Security Policy Team.  Mr. Hoffman is the co-chair of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Task Force on Data Protection and Privacy.  Mr. Hoffman is also a Senior Lecturing Fellow at Duke University School of Law where he teaches a class on Information Privacy and Surveillance Law.

  • Anna Lauren Hoffman

    Postdoctoral Researcher and Instructor, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley

    Anna Lauren Hoffmann a trans woman and scholar working at the intersections of information, technology, culture, and ethics at the UC Berkeley School of Information. Generally, her work examines the ways in which the design and use of information technology can promote or hinder the pursuit of social justice, especially in data-intensive or “Big Data” related contexts. In addition, she employs discourse analysis to explore the values and biases that underwrite understandings of technology, privacy, and research ethics as promoted by various stakeholders.

  • Margaret Hu

    Assistant Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University

    Margaret Hu is an Assistant Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law. She currently teaches courses in Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, and Privacy Law.  Her research interests include the intersection of immigration policy, national security, cybersurveillance, and civil rights.  Previously, she served as senior policy advisor for the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and also served as special policy counsel in the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, in Washington, D.C.  Professor Hu’s recent articles include Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, Small Data Surveillance v. Big Data Cybersurveillance, Big Data Blacklisting, and Taxonomy of the Snowden Disclosures.

  • Molly Jackman

    Public Policy Research Manager, Facebook

    Molly Jackman is the Public Policy Research Manager at Facebook, where she is responsible for guiding the company’s research agenda from a policy perspective. Her work includes prioritizing projects that will improve user experience, contribute to general knowledge, and provide insights that can lead to positive change in the world. Previously, she served as an Assistant Professor in political science at Vanderbilt University, and was a Fellow at the Brookings Institution. She received her PhD in political science from Stanford University in 2013, where she specialized in quantitative methods and political institutions.

  • Rey Junco

    Associate Professor of Education and Human Computer Interaction, Iowa State University Faculty Associate, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University

    Rey Junco applies quantitative methods to analyze the effects of social media on youth psychosocial development, engagement, and learning. His research has focused on discerning better practices for using social technologies to enhance learning outcomes. Junco has found that technology, specifically social media like Facebook and Twitter, can be used in ways that improve engagement and academic performance. Junco is also interested in examining how social media affect interpersonal relationships, identity development, online discourse, and digital inequalities, and how the use of digital media promotes formal and informal learning. He is particularly interested in how online anonymity impacts youth identity formation. As part of his ongoing research program, he is investigating the ability to use trace data (seemingly irrelevant data collected through natural uses of technology) to provide real-time and unobtrusive prediction of student outcomes. Junco is the author of three books, with the latest Engaging Students Through Social Media: Evidence-Based Practices for Use in Student Affairs focusing on translating interdisciplinary research findings to effective educational practices. Junco’s work has been cited in major news outlets such as the New York Times, NPR, PBS, NBC, Time, US News & World Report, USA Today, The Guardian, The Atlantic, Huffington Post, and Mashable. Junco was also a regular guest on the NPR show, Tell Me More where he discussed how research informed the societal impact of social media use. His empirical work has been published in high-impact journals such as Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, and the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Junco blogs at

  • Lauri Kanerva

    Research Management Lead, Facebook

    Lauri Kanerva is the Research Management Lead at Facebook. In this role, he serves as the in-house adviser to executives and researchers regarding research oversight. Kanerva manages the Research Review process and participates in research and policy advisory committees, coordinates Facebook’s research activities, particularly those involving partnerships with external organizations, and monitors compliance with Facebook’s internal policies. Before joining Facebook, Kanerva spent 10 years running the non-medical IRB at Stanford University. Kanerva holds degrees in Business Administration, Sports Science and Physical Therapy.

  • Erin Kenneally

    Portfolio Manager, Cyber Security Division, Science & Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    Erin Kenneally is a licensed Attorney specializing in information technology law, including privacy technology, information risk, trusted information sharing, technology policy, cybercrime, ICT ethics, and emergent IT legal risk. Kenneally is currently the Portfolio Manager for cybersecurity research data sharing, privacy and ICT ethics in the Cybersecurity Division, Science & Technology Directorate at the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.  Other positions included Founder and CEO at Elchemy, and Technology Law Specialist at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), the University of California San Diego, Center for Internet Data Analysis and the Center for Evidence-based Security Research.  She holds Juris Doctorate and Master of Forensic Sciences degrees.

  • Jonathan H. King

    Head of Cloud Strategy, Ericsson
    Visiting Scholar, Washington University in St Louis School of Law

    King’s responsibilities include product area cloud strategy, business development, mergers and acquisitions, alliance development and go to market strategy.  Prior to joining Ericsson, Jonathan was Vice President, Platform Strategy and Business Development for CenturyLink where he led the cloud and managed services platform transformation at CenturyLink. King received his J.D. from Loyola University Chicago, and completed a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law at Washington University School of Law. King completed his studies with Professor Neil Richards, and co-authored a Stanford Online Law Review Article called The Three Paradoxes of Big Data and a Wake Forest Law Review Article called Big Data Ethics. He is currently co-authoring with Professor Richards a book chapter called Big Data and the Future for Privacy to be published in a handbook of research on digital transformations.

  • Michael C. Lamb

    Chief Counsel of Privacy and Information Governance, Reed Elsevier Group

    Michael C. Lamb, Esq. serves as Member of Advisory Board of The Future of Privacy Forum. Prior to his work in privacy for Reed Elsevier Group, he served as VP and Lead Counsel (Privacy, Regulatory & Policy) for LexisNexis Risk Solutions, and for nine years for AT&T as Chief Counsel, AT&T Internet, Chief Marketing Counsel, and AT&T Chief Privacy Officer.

  • Sagi Leizerov, Ph.D

    Executive Director, EY

    Sagi Leizerov leads the Ernst & Young’s privacy practice, providing the firm’s clients with privacy assurance and advisory services.  Leizerov has over 20 years of experience in privacy, data protection, security, and crisis management.  Leizerov has extensive experience working with both the public and private sectors and has served clients in various industries including healthcare, financial, pharmaceuticals, automotive, online, computer, and human resources.  Leizerov holds a BA from the University of Maryland in behavioral sciences, an MBA with a marketing concentration from Johns Hopkins University, and a Ph.D. in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University.

  • Brenda Leong

    Senior Counsel and Operations Manager, Future of Privacy Forum

    Brenda Leong is Senior Counsel and Operations Manager at the Future of Privacy Forum, primarily supporting issues related to Education Privacy. She works on ed tech industry standards and collaboration on privacy concerns, as well as partnering with parent and educator advocates for practical solutions to the privacy challenges from the expansion of student data. Prior to working at FPF, Brenda served in the U.S. Air Force, including policy and legislative affairs work from the Pentagon and the U.S. Department of State. She is a 2014 graduate of George Mason University School of Law, and has her CIPP/US privacy certification.

  • Brendon Lynch

    Chief Privacy Officer, Microsoft

    Brendon Lynch has responsibilities for all aspects of Microsoft’s privacy approach, including privacy policy creation and implementation across the company, influencing the creation of privacy and data protection technologies for customers and overseeing communication and engagement with all external audiences. Before joining Microsoft, Brendon led the privacy and risk solutions business at software maker Watchfire. Prior to entering the software industry in 2002, Brendon spent nine years in Europe and North America with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he provided privacy and risk management consulting services. Brendon serves as Chairman of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Board of Directors, is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) and holds a business degree from the University of Waikato, in his home country of New Zealand.

  • Mary Madden

    Researcher, Data & Society Research Institute

    Mary Madden is a veteran technology researcher, writer and public speaker, having worked to understand trends in American internet users’ behaviors and attitudes for more than a decade. She is currently a Researcher for the Data & Society Research Institute where she is leading an initiative to understand the privacy and security experiences of low-SES populations. Supported by a grant from the Digital Trust Foundation, the project will provide freely accessible data to researchers working in this area and will seek to answer key questions that can help to ground current policy conversations and debates about privacy and security in the digital age. Mary is also an Affiliate at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University where she is part of a long-term collaboration with the Berkman Center’s Youth and Media Project that combines quantitative and qualitative research methods to study adolescents’ technology use and privacy management on social media. Prior to her role at Data & Society, Mary was a Senior Researcher for the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. She is a nationally recognized expert on privacy and technology, trends in social media use, and the impact of digital media on teens and parents.

  • Robert Mahini

    Policy Counsel, Google, Inc.

    Robert Mahini has published articles on the laws and regulations unique to government attorneys. He is currently a Policy Counsel at Google, Inc. working on privacy, competition, consumer protection, and patent policy issues. Previously, he was an attorney at the Federal Trade Commission, where he has worked from 2005-2012. He worked in the FTC’s Office of the General Counsel on regulatory, legislative, and litigation matters, and also worked in the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Division of Financial Practices on detail. His FTC experience included work on privacy, competition, financial practices, advertising, and other issues. Before his time at the FTC, Professor Mahini clerked for then-Chief Judge Thomas F. Hogan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. He also worked as an associate at the law firms of Hogan & Hartson LLP and Dow, Lohnes & Albertson PLLC, focusing on communications law, government contracts, and other regulatory issues, as well as litigation matters.

  • Jeffrey Mantz

    Program Director for the Interdisciplinary Behavioral and Social Science Research (IBSS) Program, National Science Foundation

    Jeffrey Mantz received his PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago in 2003. From 2001-2003, he taught at Vassar College; from 2003-2007 at the California State University at Stanislaus; and from 2008-2012 at George Mason University. He was a Faculty Fellow at the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University, 2007-2008. While at George Mason University, he served as Director of the Anthropology Program, 2009-11, and Director of Graduate Studies, 2009-11. He came to NSF in August 2005 as Director of the Cultural Anthropology Program, first as a Visiting Scientist while on leave from George Mason University (2012-2014) and then as a NSF employee beginning in 2014. Since 2014, he has also served at the Human Subjects Research Officer for the NSF. He also serves as Program Director for the Interdisciplinary Behavioral and Social Science Research (IBSS) program.

  • Kirsten Martin

    Assistant Professor of Strategic Management & Public Policy, George Washington University’s School of Business

    Kirsten Martin is the principle investigator on a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to study online privacy. Martin is also a member of the advisory board of the Future of Privacy Forum and the Census Bureau’s National Advisory Committee for her work on privacy and the ethics of “big data.” Martin has published academic papers in Journal of Business Ethics, First Monday, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, and Ethics and Information Technology and is co-author of the textbook Business Ethics: A managerial approach. She has written teaching cases for the Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics including cases on Google in China as well as Bailouts and Bonuses on the financial crisis. She is regularly asked to speak on privacy and the ethics of big data.

  • Tim McGovern

    Editor, O’Reilly Media

    Tim McGovern works at O’Reilly Media, writing and publishing on the intersections of data, organizations, and human behavior. Before coming to O’Reilly, he worked at the University of Chicago Press on social science, particularly history, sociology, and sexuality studies. His background is in the history of ancient religions.

  • Michelle N. Meyer

    Assistant Professor and Director of Bioethics Policy, Mount Sinai Bioethics Program, Union Graduate College–Icahn School of Medicine

    Michelle N. Meyer is an Assistant Professor and Director of Bioethics Policy in the Union Graduate College–Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Bioethics Program, where she writes and teaches at the intersection of law, ethics, and science, with a focus on research ethics and regulation. She serves on an IRB and sits on the board of directors or advisors of three international academic research consortia, where she advises on matters pertaining to research ethics and regulation. Previously, Michelle was an Academic Fellow at the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, a Greenwall Fellow in Bioethics and Health Policy at The Johns Hopkins and Georgetown Universities, and a Research Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. She earned a Ph.D. in religious studies, with a focus on practical ethics, from the University of Virginia and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. Her writing on corporate experimentation for both scholarly and popular audiences can be found at

  • Kevin Miklasz

    Assessment Specialist, BrainPOP

    Kevin entered education as a trained scientist- he has a PhD in Biology from Stanford University. Both during and after his graduate studies, he has spent his time gaining a smattering of diverse experiences in education: designing science curriculum, teaching after-school science programs, designing science games, running a “cooking as science” blog, designing online learning platforms, running professional development for teachers and professional engineers, and analyzing educational assessment data. Through these experience, Kevin transitioned from scientific research to science education to educational technology to educational research and assessment. Kevin is currently the Assessment Specialist at BrainPOP where he is designing new, playful and meaningful assessments on BrainPOP’s website, analyzing data from those assessments, and working on how those assessments can be displayed to teachers through dashboards.

  • Dr. John Murray

    Program Director in the Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International

    Dr. John Murray is a Program Director in the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International. His research interests encompass interactive collaborative systems, software engineering, cognitive ergonomics, and human-machine systems. He has led many innovative interdisciplinary systems research and development projects both in academia and in industry, and has held technical leadership and executive management positions at several international corporations. His technical experience includes diagnostic modeling in complex networked systems, human behavior modeling in computer gaming studies, smart product design, and mobile wearable computer systems. Dr. Murray has received advanced degrees from Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland, Stanford University, and the University of Michigan, where he was also an adjunct faculty member. He is also a Visiting Scientist in the College of Science at San Jose State University.

  • Arvind Narayanan

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Princeton

    Arvind Narayanan (Ph.D. 2009) studies information privacy and security and has a side-interest in technology policy. His research has shown that data anonymization is broken in fundamental ways, for which he jointly received the 2008 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Award. Narayanan leads the Princeton Web Transparency and Accountability project that aims to uncover how companies are collecting and using our personal information. He also studies the security and stability of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Narayanan is an affiliated faculty member at the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton and an affiliate scholar at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society.

  • Saira Nayak

    Chief Privacy Officer, TUNE

    Saira Nayak works to ensure internal compliance and leads TUNE’s external outreach to regulators, and other stakeholders on privacy and data security matters. Nayak, a San Francisco native, has over 15 years of legal experience in antitrust, intellectual property, privacy and data security matters. Before TUNE, she was Director of Policy at TRUSTe, where she defined the company’s external policy platform, and advised on TRUSTe’s privacy management solutions. Prior to TRUSTe, Nayak worked in-house at the Microsoft Corporation, where she counseled product groups on privacy and data security issues, and compliance under Microsoft’s antitrust consent decree with the US Department of Justice and several state AGs. Nayak also practiced at Dickstein Shapiro, (Washington, DC), where she advised clients on antitrust and consumer protection matters and served as Antitrust Counsel for the National Association of Attorneys General (“NAAG”).

  • Camille Nebeker

    Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California, San Diego
    Founder/Director, Collaborative for Advancing Professional and Research Integrity (CAPRI)

    Prior to Camille Nebeker’s appointment with UCSD, she served in an administrative leadership position where she directed academic research ethics and regulatory compliance programs. Her research has received support from the NIH, NSF and ORI and focuses on the design and testing of research/bioethics educational initiatives. Dr. Nebeker is also exploring the ethical dimensions (i.e., informed consent, risk assessment, data management) of socio/biomedical research that utilize emerging technologies. Nebeker refers to this project as MISST-E, which stands for Mobile Imaging, pervasive Sensing, Social media, and Tracking – Ethics (MISST-E). Dr. Nebeker is leading a study to develop MISST-E guiding principles with a goal of assisting researchers and ethics review boards navigate the ethical dimensions of research using these tools/methods. Using a stakeholder engagement approach, her team will design a web-based prototype called the Connected and Open Research Ethics (CORE) to facilitate the development of a “learning ethics system” responsive to 21st century research.

  • Jules Polonetsky

    Executive Director and Co-chair, Future of Privacy Forum

    Jules Polonetsky serves as Executive Director and Co-chair of the Future of Privacy Forum. Polonetsky’s previous roles have included serving as Chief Privacy Officer at AOL and before that at DoubleClick, as Consumer Affairs Commissioner for New York City, as an elected New York State Legislator and as a congressional staffer, and as an attorney.  Polonetsky serves on the Advisory Board of the Center for Copyright Information. He has served on the boards of a number of privacy and consumer protection organizations including TRUSTe, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and the Network Advertising Initiative. From 2011-2012, Jules served on the Department of Homeland Security Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee.

  • Neil M. Richards

    Professor of Law, Washington University, St Louis
    Neil Richards is an internationally-recognized expert in privacy law, information law, and freedom of expression. He is a professor of law at Washington University School of Law, an affiliate scholar with the Stanford Center for Internet and Society and the Yale Information Society Project, and a consultant and expert in privacy cases. He serves on the boards of the Future of Privacy Forum, the Right to Read Foundation, and is a member of the American Law Institute. Professor Richards graduated in 1997 with degrees in law and history from the University of Virginia, and served as a law clerk to William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States.  Professor Richards is the author of Intellectual Privacy (Oxford Press 2015). His many writings on privacy and civil liberties have appeared in a variety of academic journals including the Harvard Law Review, the Columbia Law Review, the Virginia Law Review, and the California Law Review. He has written for a more general audience in Time, Slate, Salon, Wired,, Forbes, the Boston Review, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.

  • Katie Shilton

    Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland

    Katie Shilton’s research focuses on ethics and policy for the design of information technologies, systems, and collections. She leads the Ethics & Values in Design (EViD) Lab at the UMD iSchool, and is the director of the CASCI research center. Her work has been supported by a Google Faculty Award and several awards from the U.S. National Science Foundation, including an NSF CAREER award. She received a B.A. from Oberlin College, a Master of Library and Information Science from UCLA, and a Ph.D. in Information Studies from UCLA. Shilton currently teaches courses in information policy, information and technology ethics, and digital curation.

  • Christine Task

    Senior Computer Scientist, Knexus Research Corporation

    In Spring 2015, Christine earned her PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University, with dissertation focus in Privacy-preserving Data Mining and Social Network Analysis.  Her research centers on developing privatization techniques for processing data sets that contain sensitive personal information, to ensure that aggregate patterns can be shared for others to analyze while the privacy of individuals remains provably protected.  In April 2012, she presented “A Practical Beginner’s Guide to Differential Privacy” at the CERIAS Seminar lecture series; It has since been viewed online over 2,000 times, used in graduate and undergraduate courses across the globe, and linked on the Google Online Security research blog.  She currently develops privatization technology solutions for Knexus Research Corporation.

  • Omer Tene

    Vice President of Research and Education, International Association of Privacy Professionals

    Omer Tene is Vice President of Research and Education at the International Association of Privacy Professionals. He is an Affiliate Scholar at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society; and a Senior Fellow at the Future of Privacy Forum.

  • Mark Van Hollebeke

    Privacy and Education Specialist, Microsoft

    Mark Van Hollebeke joined Microsoft in January 2012, leveraging his years of experience in applied ethics and deep pragmatic commitments to develop educational and cultural change programs centered on building employee buy-in for privacy and online safety practices. His privacy trainings reach over 100,000 unique Microsoft employees each year, and help employees integrate meaningful privacy controls into the products and services they ship. The ideas Van Hollebeke values most are the ones that have positive practical results—allowing us to enhance the meaning and beauty of our everyday lives experience.

  • John Verdi

    Director of Privacy Initiatives, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce

    John Verdi is Director of Privacy Initiatives at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).  NTIA, located within the US Department of Commerce, is the principal advisor to the President on telecommunications and information policy issues.  Mr. Verdi’s work focuses on digital privacy and security issues; he leads NTIA’s privacy multi-stakeholder process.  Recently, his work has touched on unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), facial recognition technology, and mobile apps.  Prior to joining NTIA, Mr. Verdi was General Counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, where he supervised the organization’s litigation program, pursued federal lawsuits regarding privacy issues, and authored Supreme Court briefs.  He is the co-editor of Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws (25th Edition).  Mr. Verdi earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 2002 and his B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, and Law from SUNY-Binghamton in 1998.

  • Jessica Vitak

    Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies
    Affiliate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Maryland

    Jessica Vitak holds a B.A. in Communication and Journalism from Elon University, a M.A. in Communication, Culture & Technology from Georgetown University, and a Ph.D. in Media & Information Studies from Michigan State. Her research evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of mediated communication by focusing on the role that social and technical affordances shape interactions online. She is currently engaged in several research projects around how individuals and families navigate privacy online and how privacy concerns influence disclosures. In 2015, she received an ADVANCE Seed Grant with two journalism professors to study online misogyny, and serves as the faculty mentor for a Future of Information Alliance (FIA) seed grant evaluating solutions to mitigate cyberbullying. More information on her research and teaching can be found on her website,

  • Hilary Wandall

    Chief Privacy Officer, Merck & Co., Inc.

    Hilary Wandall has driven the development and global adoption of a values-based privacy program supported by management accountability and quantitative measurement of risk, effectiveness, and continuous improvement. She has broad multi-disciplinary experience in HIV research, genetic and cellular toxicology, internet marketing, corporate law, ethics and compliance, and privacy and data protection. Her career in healthcare spans 20 years, including 19 years at Merck. Wandall is also actively engaged in a broad range of industry and pan-industry outreach and advocacy efforts to address evolving health information and privacy and data protection policy issues.  She is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, the Board of Directors of the International Pharmaceutical Privacy Consortium, for which she recently served as Chair, and the Future of Privacy Forum Advisory Board. She recently served on the OECD Privacy Experts Group responsible for reviewing the 1980 OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data.

  • Anne L. Washington

    Assistant Professor in the Organization Development and Knowledge Management Program, George Mason University School of Public Policy

    Anne L. Washington’s research investigates socio-technical aspects of transparency initiatives and electronic government projects. In 2012, she was the first U.S. citizen to be invited as a fellow with the Peter Pribilla Foundation at the Leipzig Graduate School of Management and Technical University of Munich (TUM). Political informatics, or poli-Informatics, is her current three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant that brings big data principles to the study of government and politics. She is leading a group of colleagues in using open government data to build research capacity for data intensive research. The topic of the 2012-2015 project is using computational analysis to better understand the financial crisis. She completed a PhD from The George Washington University School of Business, where her primary field was Information Systems and Technology Management and her secondary field was Organization Behavior.

  • Alexandra Wood

    Berkman Center Fellow, Harvard University

    Alexandra Wood’s research involves exploring new and existing legal and regulatory frameworks for data privacy and developing legal instruments to facilitate the sharing and use of research data while preserving privacy, transparency, and accountability. Previously, Alexandra served as a legal fellow assisting with the technology, telecommunications, and intellectual property portfolio of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. As a law student, she worked with the Center for Democracy & Technology and the Electronic Privacy Information Center on privacy projects addressing emerging electronic surveillance, facial recognition, and mobile payments technologies. She was also a 2010 Google Policy Fellow with the Future of Music Coalition. Alexandra holds a law degree from George Washington University Law School, a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Southern California, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Reed College.

  • Dr. Heng Xu

    Program Director, Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace, BIGDATA & RIDIR, Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation

    Dr. Heng Xu is currently on a temporary rotation as a Program Director for several interdisciplinary research programs at the National Science Foundation (NSF). Much of her work at NSF focused on bringing the social, behavioral and economic sciences to studies of major challenges in Big Data and Cybersecurity & Privacy. Dr. Xu joined NSF from the Pennsylvania State University through the IPA agreement. At Penn State, she is a tenured associate professor in the College of Information Sciences and Technology (aka the iSchool). Her current research focus is on the interplay between social and technological issues associated with privacy and security. She approaches privacy and security issues through a combination of empirical, theoretical, and technical research efforts. She has authored and co-authored over 100 research papers on information privacy, security management, human-computer interaction, and technology innovation adoption. Her work has been published in premier outlets across various fields such as Information Systems, Law, and Human-Computer Interaction, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), and many others. She was a recipient of an NSF Career award (2010) and the endowed PNC Technologies Career Development Professorship (2010-2013).

  • Michael Zimmer

    Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    Michael Zimmer, PhD, is a privacy and Internet ethics scholar. He also serves as Director of the Center for Information Policy Research. With a background in new media and Internet studies, the philosophy of technology, and information policy & ethics, Zimmer’s research focuses on the ethical dimensions of new media and information technologies, with particular interest in online privacy, social media & Web 2.0, big data, and internet research ethics.